Running CanSig on your data#

This guide explains how to run CanSig on your own datasets. The pipeline uses a configuration-based approach where you specify your data, methods, and parameters in YAML files.

Configuration Structure#

Add your configuration file to the configs folder. It should follow this structure:

root: results/your_analysis  # Output directory

  # List the integration methods you want to use

    data_path: path/to/your/data.h5ad  # Path to your AnnData file
      - signature_name1
      - signature_name2
    preprocessing:  # Optional preprocessing parameters
      min_genes: 1000  # Minimum number of genes per cell
      max_pct_mt: 20   # Maximum percentage of mitochondrial genes
      excluded_samples: ["sample1", "sample2"]  # Samples to exclude

    annotation_path: path/to/annotations1.csv
    scoring_scenario: your_scenario_name # Dataset used for comapring gene signature scores.
    n_cluster: 4

Input Data#

CanSig expects input data in AnnData (.h5ad) format with specific requirements for the AnnData object structure. The adata.obs must contain a “sample” column that stores the batch ID for each cell in the dataset. The adata.var_names should contain gene symbols as the feature identifiers. The adata.uns dictionary must include a “counts_type” field specifying the sequencing platform used to generate the data. Supported values for counts_type are “10x” for 10x Genomics data, “microwell array-based platform” for Microwell data, “microwell-seq” for Microwell-seq data, “smartseq2” or “SmartSeq2” for Smart-seq2 data, and “seqwell” for SeqWell data. All of these sequencing technologies are used in the currate cancer cell atlas.

  • Create an entry for each cell type signature

  • Specify the path to annotation files

  • Set the number of expected clusters (n_cluster)

  • Link to the appropriate scenario using scoring_scenario

Running the Pipeline#

Once your configuration is set up:

  1. Place your configuration file in the root directory

  2. Run the pipeline using:

    snakemake --configfile your_config.yml -c <number-of-cores>

Output Structure#

Results will be organized in your specified directory as follows:

├── benchmarks/     # Performance benchmarks for each pipeline step
├── corrs/          # Correlation analysis results
├── data/           # Processed data files
├── integration/    # Integrated datasets for each method
├── logs/          # Pipeline execution logs
├── metasigs/      # Generated meta-signatures
└── scores/        # Evaluation scores and metrics

Each directory contains the intermediate and final results for that stage of the pipeline.

Advanced Configuration#

Random Sampling#

You can configure random down sampling of samples by adding these parameters to your scenario:

    n_samples: [5, 10, 15]  # List of sample sizes to try
    random_seeds: 5  # Number of random seeds for replication

Bulk RNA Integration#

If you want to comapre your signatures also on bulk data add:

    bulk_path: path/to/bulk_data.h5ad  # Path to bulk RNA-seq data